Safe Swimming While Vaping

It is a hot summer day. You want to go swimming in your pool but don't want to leave your vape behind. Did you know that it is possible to...


Enjoying Nicotine After a Swim

Swimming is a great activity for those who want to improve their physical and mental health. If the person is lucky they will have access...


Entertain With Your Swimming Pool

There are so many benefits to owning your own swimming pool, whether inside or outside. Obviously, having a pool on hand is convenient for...


Pool Room Floor Décor

It is the dream of many homeowners to one day get their own pool fitted. Doing so would allow them to enjoy the act of swimming without...


Decorating Pool Area Walls

Pools have become more affordable in recent years. This has led to an increase in the popularity of installing them within family homes....


Tech for the swimming pool

Swimming is one of the most popular and effective forms of exercise and all sorts of tech now exist that make it possible to track every...


Looking Good in the Pool

There are many benefits to pools, whether you are lucky enough to have your own or have to use a local facility, perhaps in a sports...


Skincare When Swimming in Pools

Pools are great places to relax and have a fun swim. However, the combination of sunlight, chlorine and water impurities can cause issues...


The Benefits Of Pools For Seniors

A lot of seniors become restricted as to what activities they can participate in as they age. Some become too dangerous for them. Others...
